Breathe Upon These Slain, That They May Live
Delivered By
Pastor Carmen Shullo Sr.
Delivered On
March 26, 2023 at 10:00 AM
Central Passage
Ezekiel 37:1-14
Transformation by Associations

Breathe Upon These Slain, That They May Live Click here

That They May Live Takeaways – Ezekiel 36-37 – Lent 5
When God reveals Himself it’s not to glorify man, but the Son of Man. He is Faithful.
What have you been experiencing that God may be rattling your weary bones?
God wants to show us possible what we think impossible.
ï‚· They were reconstructed. He reassembles what life disassembles.
ï‚· They were inspired. He will raise us up.
ï‚· They were brought from the slain. He will restore our hope.
ï‚· They were cut off as individuals, but reunited as a nation.
What dry place(s) is God’s Spirit calling you from?
God calls the same Breath to us – Alive and Breathing – That we may live!