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- Home
- Our Beliefs
- Ministries
- Hope for Ghana
- Angel Tree
- Bible Studies & Sunday School Times
- Community Care Closet/Food Cupboard
- Community Dinner
- Kid’s Weekend Back Pack Program
- Meals on Wheels
- Samaritan’s Purse, Operation Christmas Child
- Special Offerings
- The Laura Cameron Fund
- Prayers
- Sunday Worship Service
- Upcoming Events
- Shop with Scrip
- Member Area
- Donate
- Photos
- Sermons
- Here I Am
- You Thought You Had It Bad-But God Used it for Good
- Everything is Against Me!
- Insulted to Exalted
- Tell Me Your Dreams
- Meanwhile The Lord was with Joseph
- Home Sweet Home
- From Temptation to Transformation
- Driver's Seat
- Grace-Faith That Faces Our Fear
- The Face of God
- Tell Them I Am has Sent Me to You
- Name Calling
- Can I have a Minute to Think About That
- Why we can Have Hope for America
- Trusting Scripture as an Anchor for the Storms of Life
- Even Kid Can Do It
- Truth is The Light That Pierces Darkness
- The Great Task Remaining before US
- Cat Got Your Tongue? Everyone!
- See Something-Say Something
- You Don't Say
- Perfect Timing
- I saw it All
- What a Character-I Can't help it.
- The Joy of Being Emptied
- The divine Paradox
- I Can't Unsee That
- What's In Your Temple
- That's a Stretch
- Jesus Take the Wheel
- From the Inside Out
- Did You Get The Message
- Called to Change
- Called to More
- Baptism of New Beginnings
- Waiting here on Higher Love
- Be Careful, Joy will Catch You by Surprise
- Sheepish
- Grown in Grace
- 11-11-11
- I Wouldn't if I Were You
- The Hour has Come
- Building Block or Stumbling Block
- Is That Reasonable
- Understanding the Times
- God Forbid
- What's the Difference
- A Promise is a Promise
- This I know-Part 2
- Feeling Helpless-Know This! Part 1
- All Roads Lead to Rome-Will the Defendant Please Rise
- That's a Big But
- It's the Law
- Present
- This Little Piggy
- Hoping Against Hope-Faith Rests in the Faithful
- By Whose Name
- The World May Never Know
- Believe in Me
- Walking With God or Boldly Going Nowhere
- Who Is This
- Breathe Upon These Slain, That They May Live
- I Have Come to Sacrifice
- Everybody has a story
- Easily Distracted, Past and Present, From Here on Out
- Ash Wednesday-From Dust to Glory
- Praying at the Table
- Paradise in The Wilderness-That's tempting
- The Fork In The Road
- The Transfer of Power-Keys Please
- Order in The Court-Let the Earth be Filled
- What a Wonderful World-God Said
- Hornbill
- Christmas Eve Service 2022
- The Day After
- Christmas Day-The Morning After
- What is Missing for Christmas-Incredible Resolve
- Jumping for Joy
- Peace of My Mind
- The Snooze Button Is Overrated
- That You May Be Filled
- Let me Pray About that -That You May Be Filled
- That You May Know
- If God Is in Control Why Should we Pray
- Let Me Pray About That
- The Foolishness of the Cross -Dark to Light
- The Foolishness of the Cross- The Magnetism of the cross
- The Foolishness of the Cross-Power of the cross
- The Foolishness of the Cross-The Message of the Cross-Rest for the Weary
- Friends In Low Places
- The New Price Is Right
- Sitting Pretty
- Made Straight
- Left,Right, Center-Forward and Backward
- This is About YOU
- Not About you
- Hosanna Ministries
- What do you see?
- The Noble Family
- But, This is The Way
- Heartless
- Some Advocate
- Alive and Breathing
- The Way to Salvation
- Who's We?
- Click or Clique
- Once Were...A.K.A.
- Apprehensive
- My Goodness
- Worthy of Our Praise-It's Not Over
- The Road to the Cross
- Worthy of Our Praise-To Much? To Soon?
- Worthy of our Praise-Lost&Found
- Do You Suppose?
- First Fruits
- Sown Physically, Raised Spiritual
- You are In Good Company
- Signed, Sealed and Delivered...By The Grace of God
- A More Excellent Way
- So It Is With Christ – One Body"
- Done Doing
- Not If When-Not Who-You
- Fit for a King
- Christmas Eve Service
- The God of Reversals
- Routine Checkups
- A Wake Up Call-From Dark to Light
- Loved? You Don't Know What your Saying