Hope for Ghana

A MISSION OF HOPE, ONE VILLAGE AT A TIME Hope for Ghana is a non-profit tax-exempt public charity founded in 2011 by Steve Green, MD, from Pittsburgh, PA, to create hope and opportunity in the most deprived rural villages of Ghana. Hope for Ghana builds schools, libraries and computer labs, providing opportunity to thousands of Ghanaian children who are starving to learn, yet have no access to education or learn with severely limited educational resources. Hope for Ghana provides desperately needed access to clean, potable water, drilling water boreholes in remote villages where women and children had been walking long distances to fetch dirty water, ensuring a community’s most basic need while significantly reducing water-borne disease. Hope for Ghana sponsors apprenticeships for young men and women to learn vocational skills, creating a future for them as masons, seamstresses, tailors, carpenters, electricians, hair dressers, welders and tilers. It is said that one’s journey to Africa will never be one’s last. A pediatrician in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, I will soon embark on my 40th trip home to Ghana, 36 years since my first trip as a medical student. For me it has been a journey that has redefined my own path in life. Together let’s rewrite the story in Ghana, and transform the lives of children, families and communities for generations to come. One village at a time. For more information, visit HopeforGhana.com