The divine Paradox
Delivered By
Pastor Carmen Shullo Sr.
Delivered On
March 17, 2024
Central Passage
John 12:20-33

The Divine Paradox click here

Gist: In today’s Gospel message there come some who would like to meet Jesus. This day He has no time for
them, only the hour for which He has been waiting. Sound odd, paradoxical even, maybe. Now the time has
The nature of God’s heart is shown through Jesus – “Whoever has seen me has seen the Father.” Jn 14:10
Follow Me is more than footsteps. Your love is more than yours – it’s a gift from the Father, share it.

Death to one is Life to another. “What good is it for a man to gain the world but forfeit his soul.” Mark 8:36
Faith comes through hearing – Romans 10:17
What are you listening for and what do you hear, noise or the Spirit and power of God?
Jesus has been lifted up once for all. All who believe, that’s the Divine Paradox.