Pastor Carmen Shullo Sr.
October 31, 2022
Ephesians 1:15-16
If God IS In Control Why Should we Pray click here
If Paul had these accolades for the Ephesians... Why Pray?
ï‚· The promise of our inheritance, redemption, is a deposit that we wait on.
Because of what God willed (our destiny). V3-6
ï‚· We are blessed to be a blessing. In Christ we lack no good thing.
We were chosen before creation to be set apart and blameless with Him in love.
ï‚· In love we will not be denied but adopted as children of God. His Choice!
V7-12 What Jesus (The Agent) enabled (In Him/Christ)
ï‚· In Jesus, the gap that sin creates is erased by faith in God’s grace. Jesus
ï‚· God’s Good Pleasure is that he gather the elect as one, in Christ.
ï‚· In Christ we have an inheritance – predestined to adoption, in due time.
VV 13-14 What the Holy Spirit Holds (or sustains)
ï‚· The time is immediate, but the time is coming. So, we need a sustainer.
ï‚· The Spirit of God is a relentless reminder of His love and desire for us.
Why Paul prays...
ï‚· To hold on to their faith in Jesus.
ï‚· That they would continue in hope of God’s promise of the inheritance.
ï‚· That they maintain their love for the saints.
What are we to do?
ï‚· Continue in your prayer time giving thanks for what is to come.