The Foolishness of the Cross -Dark to Light
Delivered By
Pastor Carmen Shullo Sr.
Delivered On
October 9, 2022
Message of the Cross from Dark to Light

Dark to Light click here for the message

I believe the Cross is foolishness to those who are perishing because it strips the self-exalted of any accomplishment they may have had.

God plants his Word in our hearts. How is it exposed? The Holy Spirit illuminates it and shines a light on it.

So, we are of two natures, natural and supernatural, which one grows depends on which one you feed.

What determination have you made about God, because of what He reveals in Scripture and how it aligns with your heart?

What wisdom have you learned or gained from your relationship with God through Jesus?

What foolishness have you laid down at the foot of the Cross, realizing Jesus sees it and forgives it?

What strength have you gained from knowing God has all of this worked out?

How can we as a church come together, from Death to Life, to share The Life that has been shared with us?