Sermon - "I've Seen it All"
April 19, 2024, 6:00 AM

I’ve Seen It All – Luke 24:36-48 – Acts 3:1-19

In the weeks after Easter much unfolds in the lives of the disciples. Their journey was mapped by what they experienced being with Jesus what they heard what they saw what they participated in all came down to this ugly moment that we call, the passion of the Christ. His passion was to carry out the will of the Father and to make His Joy complete by making a way for God’s people to have access to Him – or – reconciliation. Forgiveness of sins. All that bore truth in His willingness to sacrifice Himself for the good of them (and us) or anyone who would believe on His name and call him as Lord.

We had a good year of teaching and understanding, there are new faces a little bit of excitement and people's hearts are aimed and having Jesus lead our lives through the scripture.

That is exactly what we did on Palm Sunday by our waving of the palms and celebrated Easter Sunday as we rejoiced with the rest of the world on Jesus’ resurrection, knowing that death no longer has a grip on us. Jesus defeats man's final enemy and in Him we do the same.

This series is about just that, we've been there, did that, and seen it all… Now What?

Today's gospel message through Luke has the disciples gathered in the upper room with Cleopas and another disciple just returning reporting that they were with Jesus, like WITH… walked, talked and broke bread with him.

Suddenly, Jesus enters the room where they were gathered. They were both excited and fearful. Excited about what Cleopas had reported but fearful that the Jews would be hunting them because if they could do what they did to Jesus, they could do it to anybody. Luke 24:36-48

It just says Jesus appeared. There was, in my mind’s eye, an awkward silence. Jesus speaks peace to them – then comforts them with “fear not why are there doubts in your mind?” What a statement! A glimpse at what our fear is caused from, not being in control of what’s to come or what has happened. Jesus affirms, “It’s the real me” (my paraphrase), look at my hands, then he asks them for something to eat {spirits don't eat}.

Jesus goes further by reminding them of the conversations they’ve had. “These are my words I spoke to you… He explained that everything that was written about him in the law of Moses must be fulfilled, as if a snapshot or a glimpse what scripture promised the Messiah would do and what Jesus did.

And he opened their minds to understand the scriptures. He is the suffering servant.

He opened the eyes of the blind, he set the captives free, He made the deaf hear, he made the lamb walk, he raised the dead, he calmed the winds and wave, he made the earth shake. Jesus wanted to make sure they knew it was he then and it is still he now.

You remember, we fed 5000 men plus women and children with five loaves of bread and two fish. Last week they walked alongside Jesus as the triumphal procession shouted with joy, “hosanna, blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord”.

V48 Jesus issues His final reminder “You are witnesses of these things!!”

That sets the stage for our passage in “The Acts of the Apostles”. In my mind that meant; what did those who walked with Jesus without the physical Jesus standing by?

The book of Acts is known in some circles as the 5th gospel. It is Luke’s 2nd work in the New Testament and as he gathers information in his documentary quite a few things happened. In the book of Acts there was a different language to be spoken it is the quote India who are the common language No Pause Cortana what's 100% Start Cortana

Fast forward 50 days

What we run into is an exchange between Peter. John and those gathered at the gate to the temple.

12 When Peter saw this, he said to them: “Fellow Israelites, why does this surprise you? Why do you stare at us as if by our own power or godliness we had made this man walk?

The man was born lame, he had been carried to the sit outside the temple gates every day to beg for money. As he called out for alms he catches Peter and John’s attention. They, in turn, come to him saying “look at us” maybe their dress or condition would lean toward not having anything OR maybe they were saying what he was after wouldn’t even come close to what they could offer… (that being the name of Jesus).

Silver or gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk.” Taking him by the right hand, he helped him up, and instantly the man’s feet and ankles became strong. Acts 3:6-7

The way it’s worded is that his feet and ankle bones immediately received strength, like they locked into place. You don’t go from degeneration to regeneration without transfiguration. At the name of Jesus, he was made new, brand new.

With all eyes on the trio, Peter knowing his slate has been wiped clean Feed my sheep and that he as a witness “to all these things”. He knew the power was not his or John’s to keep, but to give away “preach it” … in Jesus’ name there is power.

For all the men of Israel gawking in awe at what they’ve seen, they know this man! Peter just told them he and John only delivered the message, now THE Crowd were witnesses. From birth he has been unable to walk, placed in position every day calling for help, this is no magic trick.

Peter wishes them to know that Jesus is in fact the Messiah of the scriptures. He is not afraid of confronting them with their part in this.

Acts 3:13 The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the God of our fathers, has glorified his servant Jesus. You handed him over to be killed, and you disowned him before Pilate, though he had decided to let him go. 14 You disowned the Holy and Righteous One and asked that a murderer be released to you.

Not that it was just the religious court or their followers, but it was Rome and all their followers. There were equal sides of culpability. In other words, we’re all responsible for Jesus as an offering for sin, Gentile and Jew alike.

15 “You killed the author of life, but God raised him from the dead. We are witnesses of this. 16 By faith in the name of Jesus, this man whom you see and know was made strong. It is Jesus’ name and the faith that comes through him that has completely healed him, as you can all see.17 “Now, fellow Israelites, I know that you acted in ignorance, as did your leaders. 18 But this is how God fulfilled what he had foretold through all the prophets, saying that his Messiah would suffer. 19 Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord,”

This is the urging from Peter, repent, turn to God and He will refresh you.

You know there really aren’t formulas to faith, but being thankful, humble, and turning things over to God is a good start. You can cry out and be angry, all that is in scripture, but so is being subject to a fallen world. That brings pain, heartache, illness, disease, pride, covetous, thou shalt nots. In those are suffering and b/c of that Passion we talk about, trusting Him w/ours is the only refreshing we can hope on, Jesus is the only one who has overcome the pain, grief and toil of this world, even death conquering it.

We make loose attempts at a sinner’s prayer, but it’s the reminder that God does have a plan and the onus is on Him, and it is He that is faithful.

We’re not so different from our lame friend, sitting helplessly in front of the beautiful gate, so close to the presence of God and yet so far away.

We too are damaged from birth and unable to walk with Him, not always from physical impairments, but from spiritual impairments, that is what our nature is. We are spiritually needy; but will we admit it? There’s nothing to be ashamed of because the God who loves us wants to bring us to spiritual health, we have to trust Him with it.

When someone comes by with the message of the Gospel, no matter what state you think you’re in, take it in and let Him work, there’s another reason you’re hearing it today. You may be on the mountaintop, don’t be fooled there’s a valley coming and vice versa

We all fall short of God’s glory, but He refreshes us with it at every turn. New mercies

We look. We are healed, and a great irreversible miracle occurs in our lives a new day, another mercy, one to be thankful for, jumping for joy over, & praising God by. We do so with enormous joy and praise. Now We can “enter the temple” and come into God’s presence.

What gives you confidence or moves you to action? (Dependability, enormity, recurrence, reputation?)

What have you been a witness to and how does that affect your actions?

A witness has choices. To see & believe – To see & investigate – To see and deny

To see and report – Jesus says, come and see, go and tell. What keeps you from living out what we have seen and have been promised?

Are we people of faith in Jesus or fear that He’s not? (good company/disciples)

Whose judgment should we fear, Jesus or the world?

If you’ve seen it all, NOW WHAT?

Listen to the Lord’s word to the psalmist and consider your next steps.

Know that the Lord has set apart his faithful servant for himself; the Lord hears when I call to him. Tremble and do not sin; when you are on your beds, search your hearts and be silent. Offer the sacrifices of the righteous and trust in the Lord. Psalm 4:3-5



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